NeoJetAngel STO - Fleet Norway Command Strike Wing Escort - Solo Elite Build Primer

This is a new update to the solo torpedo build, which I have decided to do on the new Fleet Norway Strike Wing Escort. The Agony Redistributor has been dropped from just about every build now and on this build it was replaced with the Bioneural Infusion Circuits. This is to get the most out of the extra Science and Engineering Superior Romulan Operatives bridge officers that now can be gotten on all factions.
Build Level: Elite
Solo ISE Difficulty Rating: Easy
Ship Solo ISE DPS Record: SCM - Infected [LR] (S) - [04:14] DMG(DPS) - Zanelli: 229.71M(902.23K)

Starship Gear
Fore Weapons: Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo, Delphic Distortion Torpedo, Neutronic Torpedo, Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo, Disruptor Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank
Aft Weapons: Thoron Infused Quantum Mine, Black Ops Mine
Experimental Weapon: Soliton Wave Impeller
Main Set: Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array, Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engines, Mycelial Harmonic Matter-Antimatter Core, Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield
Devices: Deuterium Surplus, Kobayashi Maru Transponder, Auxiliary Battery - Large
Universal Consoles: Lorca's Custom Fire Controls
Engineering Consoles: Phased-Space Membrane, Tachyon Net Drones, Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly
Science Consoles: Swarmer Matrix, Opening Salvo, Graviton Displacer, Bioneural Infusion Circuits
Tactical Consoles: 4x Vulnerability Locator [Torp]
Hangar: Elite Alliance Fighter Squadrons

Personal Space Traits: Adaptive Offense, Resonating Payload Modification, Context is for Kings, Self-Modulating Fire, Varuvian Explosives, Unconventional Systems, Fresh From R&R, Intelligence Agent Attache, Terran Targeting Systems, The Boimler Effect
Starship Traits: Entwined Tactical Matrices, Ceaseless Momentum, Subspatial Warheads, Rapid-Emitting Armaments, Terran Goodbye, Advanced Precision Guided Munitions
Space Reputation Traits (Rank 2): Omega Kinetic Shearing, Tyler's Duality, Advanced Targeting Systems, Precision, Torpedo Pre-Fire Sequence

Bridge Officer Stations
Tactical SRO (Cunius): Intelligence Team I, Intelligence Team II
Tactical SRO (T'Vol): Kemocite-Laced Weaponry I, Torpedoes: High Yield II, Concentrate Firepower III, Call Emergency Artillery III
Tactical SRO (SRO3): Beams: FIre at WIll I, Cannons: Scatter Volley I
Engineering SRO (SRO Engi): Emergency Power to Engines I, Emergency Power to Auxiliary II
Science SRO (SRO Sci): Tractor Beam I, Photonic Officer I, Gravity Well I

Duty Officers
Security Officer: Buffs Critical Chance & teamwide maximum hull
Projectile Weapons Officer: Buffs Critical Severity when firing Projectiles
Emergency Conn Officer: Recharges Evasive Maneuvers when using Emergency Power to Engines
Projectile Weapons Officer: Reduces the recharge of Mines
Sensor Officer: Debuff outgoing damage of all targets under the effect of Sensor Scan
Explosives Expert: Torpedoes Placate while not threatening

Tray & Spambars
Tray 10 -> 9: Main Spambar
Tray 8: Secondary Spambar which fires torpedo spreads
Tray 1-4: Everything else manually activated
Captain Specialization
Temporal Operative(Primary) & Strategist(Secondary)
Ship Record Parse

Posted by Zanelli on Saturday 12th of November 2022 04:37:21 AM